Sorting by minimum of scheduled and deadline?

I’m looking for guidance on whether it’s possible to write a Datalog query that will return the following:

  • Any task (that has a TODO)
  • the task has either a scheduled or deadline attribute
  • the minimum of either scheduled or deadline is >7d in the future (+7d)

I typically just use the scheduled attribute, but sometimes I’ve used both.

The problem I’ve run into is the “min of either, if they exist” part.

:title [:h2 "🔮 Future Tasks"]
:inputs [:+7d]
:query [
:find (pull ?block [*])
:in $ ?lowdate

; Check whether the task is a TODO
; any valid "task-y" state is allowed
[?block :block/marker ?marker]
        [(contains? #{"DONE", "CANCELLED", "CANCELED", "LATER"} ?marker)]

; TODO how do I get the minimum of these for the comparison below?!
[?block :block/scheduled ?date]
[?block :block/deadline ?date]
; the due date is in range
        [(<= ?lowdate ?date)]
] ;query

Is this even possible to pull off in a single query (i.e. to pick the “minimum” of the unification between the dates in the or block?

Something like this:

(or-join [?block ?lowdate]
    [?block :block/scheduled ?scheduled]
    (not [?block :block/deadline])
    [(<= ?lowdate ?scheduled)]
    [?block :block/deadline ?deadline]
    (not [?block :block/scheduled])
    [(<= ?lowdate ?deadline)]
    [?block :block/scheduled ?scheduled]
    [?block :block/deadline ?deadline]
    [(<= ?scheduled ?deadline)]
    [(<= ?lowdate ?scheduled)]
    [?block :block/scheduled ?scheduled]
    [?block :block/deadline ?deadline]
    [(<= ?deadline ?scheduled)]
    [(<= ?lowdate ?deadline)]
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Do you mean this as if either one is in the future show the task?
Or both must be in the future?

I don’t understand the minimum part.
So if I have a task today with scheduled = 15th of December and deadline = 17th of December, should it show?
If I have a task today with schedule = 17th of December and deadline = 24th of December, should it show?

The latter your query already does. The only error in your query is that the :in is incorrect.
There are no rules and thus :in shouldn’t have %. Otherwise the query works.

Thanks! I guess I have to just enumerate all of the possible cases like this due to how Datalog works.

@Siferiax apologies for the confusion, the query I showed was a snippet from a longer query that did include a rule. I fixed it above in case someone else stumbles upon this thread who may not be aware that without rules, including % is incorrect.