Starting Bi-directional Notetaking!

Hey everyone :wave: ,
I’m Cerevisi.
:earth_americas: : I’m from the USA
:now: Reading the book “Building a second brain”
:map: How I found Logseq: After being disappointing with all of standard notetaking apps, I found bi-directional linking and tried Logseq. After a month of use, I am convinced it is far better than my old methods. I am looking to dive in and learn how to do more than just journal and make basic pages.


Welcome Cerevisi,

I haven’t read Tiago’s book but what I most appreciate about Logseq is using it as a place to store and connect information and knowing I will be able to find it later if I tag things well up front. My previous methods have involved solid folder structures which makes cross-pollination of ideas almost impossible.

Regards, Gary

Welcome @Cerevisi,

It’s a GREAT tool isn’t it? I’ve been using it for about a year now and it’s by far the best decision I made last year.

Seeing the ideas collide and cross pollinate is simply amazing. It certainly beats all the notes I have in Evernote by a more that 10x factor.

I’ll even posit that it’s not just the bi-directional linking (after using Evernote for years, I managed to get my notes nicely linked), it’s just the overall philosophy behind Logseq. It just works out of the box.

My only issue at the moment is because I use it across various devices, I use the browser version. This means I don’t have the latest version. I’m however more than happy to wait until the web version catches up with the desktop version.

Enjoy using it and I look forward to your further feedback as you get deeper into using it.

Kudus to all the developers and everyone behind the scenes for bringing this excellent tool out. I see bigger and better things for it!