Subtags / subpages syntax, how to create?

Hi everyone, i cant find out how to create Subpages , for example [[Tree]]/[[maple]] , [[Tree/pine]] etc… What is the syntax? I have tried [[[[Tree]]/[[Maple]]]] but it creates 3 pages (tree, maple, and tree/maple)…
Thanks a lot!
p.s. in Roam works [[Tree]]/[[maple]] but in Logseq it doest work…

The namespace page should be something like [[Tree/Maple]], we’re working on namespace pages to be more useful.


Did you consider subpages representation as a TOC?

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Something like this?
CleanShot 2022-08-24 at 16.55.44


Yes, if there was a way to outline namespaces so they would nest, that would be great! As it currently is, I can use namespaces only with two properties. To add more makes the list of namespaces too long, and defeats their usefulness in providing a table of contents.

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