I see, then my request should be rephrased to extend checkbox syntax to allow treating a regular block as a checkbox, i.e. - [ ] foo that is treated as a separate block rather than + [ ] foo that is a line in a single multi-line block.
Note for anyone else looking for how to use checkboxes in markdown mode: You can have a list of plain clickable checkboxes if you put a * before each one, making a bulleted list. You also have to have a line of plain text before the checkbox, and do it all in one block. Pretty inconvenient, but it works.
* [ ] do a thing
* [ ] do another thing
* [ ] do the last thing
Looks like it also works with + instead of * as mentioned above.
Checkbox is a very basic feature which should have been taken care of early on. I don’t even understand why the simple "- [ ] " markdown cannot be supported by design. Regardless, at least an alternative syntax should work properly.
Yes. Please. I’m new to logseq but this is one of the barriers making me hesitant to fully embrace it. I make a lot of checklists: shopping, packing, etc. The fact that 5 identical keystrokes are required on every line is too much, on mobile it’s a straight up deal breaker.
Clicking does not change the macro. But a quite nice workaround.
For some reason the macro is rendered with a extra new line, which does not happen when I use the syntax allone. Seems to be a <div class=macro><div class=hicupp> problem