Upgraded from iPhone X to iPhone 11 iOS 17.6.1 and Logseq 0.10.9 and error running automation to sync.
I then had to open the Working Copy app 6.0.9 and clone something from the old phone I guess?
The desktop Logseq 0.10.9 seems to run, but no data from the Logseq phone app is coming across.
I checked the phone Working Copy logs and Pushes seem to complete, but I see no Pulls?
Working Copy logs also has a Pending Cleanup section which shows Push 24/8/2024. Details show: Unable to push changes, that couldn’t be fast-forwarded. You need to fetch & merge changes from remote before pushing.
but how?
I ran a Desktop Logseq 0.10.9 logseq-repo Re-index.
This appeared to update the github.com/logseq-rep pages status to Auto saved by Logseq a few minutes ago.
However, the data from the phone Logseq, where the Working Copy automations now complete with no error failing to run, don’t seem to sync the phone and desktop data?
I feel like the phone Logseq is not using git correctly.
There’s some phone data in a Journal I think?, but the date 2024_08_24.md doesn’t show in github.com/logseq-repo/journals?
Github has the Desktop Logseq data, but not the phone Logseq data?
The phone’s Working Copy app appears to be completing a github push/pull.
So perhaps the connection from the phone Logseq to phone Working Copy app has something wrong?