Sync to any git host, not just github

I would really like if logseq could sync to any git host, not just Github. I prefer to self-host my own git server (gitea in my case, but I could imagine also gitlab, bitbucket etc) instead of putting all my private notes on github (Hi Microsoft!).

I think this could be implemented pretty simply by exposing the username/password (aka token) configuration in the UI, since most git services support the usual http auth via application token.

Great idea!!

I would suggest the use of Gitea to clone your GitHub repo.

It’s not the same thing but at least you have a backup copy stored on your Gitea.

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With just released source code GitHub - logseq/deprecated-github-backend, you can host you own GitHub integration now.


Using the Electron app would it be possible to add some standard git stuff to it? I’m most interested in being able to pass someone a git remote URL and have their client be able to pull down a project?

I know this kind of opens a can of worms, Pull requests … but at least just being able to give someone the URL would almost make it a kind of Publish feature, I don’t know if this belongs in a plugin, or integrated into the main code base, but I wanted to share my thoughts.

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By way of comparison, Obsidian has some very simple integration with git to automatically commit and sync with a remote repository every N minutes (configurable). A simple merge strategy would be fine, as long as it syncs often enough I can always go back through git history and fix it if it desyncs.

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