Tables in LogSeq

Hi, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some examples of tables in LogSeq. I can’t quite remember where but I think it might have been on the Discourse forum where people were showing alternative themes.

Is it possible to create tables and if so could anyone point me at an example.

A similar question for Kanban boards. I’m especially interested in creating a Kanban board where each column is populated by a query. I have something like this in RemNote where each column pulls in all feature requests from various other pages which have been tagged with a particular release number - each column represents a release. I would like to emulate this in LogSeq.



Is something like this useful? It seemed to work when I just tried it.

| Syntax      | Description | Test Text     |
| :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |
| Header      | Title       | Here's this   |
| Paragraph   | Text        | And more      |

I’m a newbie but had recently bookmarked:

and …


That’s very useful. Thanks.

I was also looking for the same thing. thank you for your help.

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How about this plugin? Logseq Markdown Table Editor Plugin


I guess that main idea is that you use {{query ...}} to generate table out of “blocks”. So you can simply store each record as another block with properties, and then use {{query ...}} to generate table out of it.

Personally I find editing blocks with properties WAY MORE ergonomic then editing Markdown tables.

Also querying gives you extra flexibiltes, like filtering data or selecting columns you care about to present different views on your data , on the fly, while with Markdown tables, one is left with what javascript table extensions will allow to do.

To me great discovery was to find that {{query ...}`` tables in Logseq can include PICTURES! Just make property photo:: …` and provide a photo there, to see it in your table!


It does seem to ignore the colons used for text alignment. Or am I doing it wrong?

Do you mean something like this?:

- template:: table
	- text-column:: Text column
	  number-column:: 1
	- text-column:: Text column
	  number-column:: 100
	- {{query (and (property :text-column) (property :number-column))}}
	  query-table:: true
	  query-properties:: [:text-column :number-column]
		- {{function (sum :number-column)}}

I hoped it would look a little better and allow for spaces in the titles, but it still beats building tables.

Or use an advanced query to get rid of the Live query bit:

  :query [
    :find (pull ?b [:block/properties])
      [?b :block/properties ?props]
      [(get ?props :text-column) ?text-column]
      [(get ?props :number-column) ?number-column]
  :table? true