Template insert error: bad outliner data, need to re-index to fix

I’ve only been using Logseq for a few days and getting to grips with templates. I have created a meeting template but whilst editing the template and testing it, I get a ‘Template insert error: bad outliner data, need to re-index to fix’. It isn’t 100% repeatable, but happening multiple times.

When I did a reindex, I lost a number of blocks on my daily journal page. Will look at GIT for versioning next. Template is:

- ### <% now %> TITLE
  event:: [[meeting]]
  template:: Meeting
  template-including-parent:: true
	- **Attendees:** [[MY NAME]],
	- #### Notes:

I experience the same. When I try to use a template, I get messages like

Template insert error: bad outliner data, need to re-index to fix

After re-index it doesn’t go away.
Any ideas?

I got it to work (accidentally)) by adding a tags:: #something to the first line of the template block. I have no idea whatsoever why it works like that though.

Can you provide an example please as I’m unsure I understand? I already have a property as the first line of the template under the block heading. Is it the tags property only?

I cannot reproduce it anymore. I no longer get the error even with the template that did not work. I have 0.10.8.

Thank you for your response. I’m on the latest version, so I will try the templates again to see if the issue has been resolved.

This afternoon I had the error happen again so latest version not resolved it.

Hey @stgermain77 I’ve had this issue on 0.10.9 (83) - can you be explicit with how you solved this with an example template?

tags::<insert_text> or does it have to be tags::#insert_text


I’m sorry, but I don’t get the error anymore. Something “just got fixed” when I played with the templates.