The re-index graph documentation needs a bondulance

Hello, I changed the desktop Logseq 0.10.9 date format and a prompt said I need to reindex the graph.
How do I reindex? The documentation is unclear.

What exactly is a graph, the Graph view or some special Logseq terminology?

  • The Graph view is a visual tool for connected pages.
    • It is of limited usefulness.
    • It isn’t related to re-indexing.
  • In contrast, a Logseq graph is a data structure, the network of pages of one Logseq instance.
    • This also corresponds to a specific folder in the file system.
    • Currently each Logseq instance can handle only one graph at a time.
    • The graph-related options look like this:
      • They can be found at the top-left of the window:
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Thanks, I found it!
Desktop → Logseq 0.10.9 → database icon (near top left, below hamburger and search icon) → Re-index.

After the re-index, the Graph view has brought back some old deleted pages.

All pages also shows these old pages.

I can delete them all again, but how can I keep Logseq clean with pages I need and not deleted ones?
Maybe there’s some confusion added with syncing resourcing some old files too after a re-index?

To properly delete a page, should remove all references to it.

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From my research, it seems the best way to remove all references to a page is to delete all pages?
I had deleted all pages except Knowledge Base Logseq.
Logseq is somehow restoring old data after a re-index.