Three Choices New Users Need to Make

In theory you can keep some pages shared between people in a subfolder of the graph and use something to sync only that folder. Eventually to avoid conflicts (for example someone else create a page that already exist in the private portion of your graph) you can agree on using a specific namespace for all the pages shared in the team, like [[Team Foo/Page bar]].

I haven’t tried this with other people, if someone manage to do so let me know, especially if using Git :slight_smile:

One thing to note with the journal-centric approach is all the backlinks to a particular tag from various dates in the journal view automatically builds a chronology of blocks referring to the tag. This is very powerful and I use it both at work and home.
Working on tasks or projects etc, I put everything into the journal and I get a timeline with events, meetings, and whatever you put in. And with no cognitive load of having to look up and decide where this and that needs to go.


Just wanted to chime in here and mention that after 2+ years of using logseq I’ve abandoned using the journal pages directly, because I choose to sync my graph with git, and I found using the journal with a distributed git workflow leads to large merge conflicts between different environments’ Logseq instances creating the same conflicting day page.

As a result, each place I use logseq, I have a different logfile (for example, [[Personal/Log/2023/11/26]], [[Work/Log/2023/11/26]] that opens up the page with a tag for that day. That way I can go to the day in the journal and see all the log entries for that day from each environment, but avoid the merge conflicts on syncing.