Tracked time position

Is it possible to move the tracked time of a task from the far right to just the side of the task itself?
How it is currently:

How I’d like it to be:

Try adding in file custom.css something like this:

.block-content-inner {
  justify-content: left;
.block-content-inner div.w-full {
  flex: none;
  width: fit-content;

thank you so much! Btw is there a way to put just two extra spaces between the task and the time?

Try this:

.time-spent {
  padding-left: 10px;
  text-wrap: nowrap;
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I just found out that this code disables the line wrapping, so long blocks don’t wrap unless I click on them.

Check my updated respective posts:

  width: fit-content;


  text-wrap: nowrap;
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