I have been using Logseq for a while to track my teams tasks and one on one check-ins. I am looking for a more efficient way of tracking to-do’s and tasks assigned. Maybe you guys have a better way of doing this than me.
What I do, is I have a page for every team I manage, and for every person I want to track to-do’s. Days I meet I create the meeting tagging the team, I just scroll down and look at whats pending. I don’t like using the to-do feature because it gets mixed with what I have to do, but lately what I have been doing is just adding the person and task to a to-do under the team and just put it on doing. Then I add a query to the teams page to show me what is pending.
I am sure there is probably a better way then this Any ideas?
you are right. I guess I would be good to have a way to separate to-dos from people, and in my teams page just see the pending tasks upfront arranged by people? Does that make sense?
Sounds like what you need is just some more precise queries, to properly filter the listed TODOs down to the exact desired set. If you provide some example blocks and your current queries, we can help you fine-tune them.
What I do is this I have a page for team and a page for people in my team. Every morning I add my meetings for the day referencing the team. Then while in the meeting I just click on the team page and I have the following query {{query (and [[TEAM]] [[TEAM MEMBER]] (task TODO DOING))}} on the team page. Sometimes I move it the meeting block, still finding the best way.
ahh thats a clever way of doing it…instead of using to-do’s you create a template for a task with assignee and probably what needs to be done! Brilliant! apart from assignee and what to do, what else would you add?
Then I just use to-do’s for my tasks…like it great idea! thanks for the help
I had a similar question and now have an overview Task page with a table, which lists all waiting, todo, later, doing and now tasks with action-owner and deadline (if exist) and priority - with link to the original page.
I would, just want to click when something is done so its not shown. It was a great solution you gave me! very much appreciated. Was trying to add the checkbox but didnt work either. Still tweaking it but really works wonders
Great @dalvo that it works for you. I love simplicity and intuitivity and personally don’t like such template.
Compared with your template, this is how a task entry would look using the table task dashboard:
TODO Buy new hardware #@Jomi before #deadline. (action for me)
WAITING Solve all my problems #@Peter before #deadline (action waiting at someone else)
With this intuitive way of entering tasks, all TODO/WAITING/LATER etc are grouped together per table. Then it shows the originating page, the owner, the tas, the priority and the deadline (if entered).