Unable to sync files from Linux (Debian 11 variant)

Yesterday after I’ve updated some of my notes I found the syncing stopped working abruptly (part of my update went through), the icon was kept in orange status and when drilled into details I could see of my files kept being processed. If I delete this file, then Logseq would pick another file, which was kept in processing status.

Here’re the steps to reproduce from my perspective:

  1. Log off
  2. Log on
  3. Turn on Sync and smart syncing
  4. Click on Sync icon and type in password
  5. Syncing starts.

Open dev console I can see following error logs (a bit long-winded):

instrument.js:191 [SyncManager] need-password -> idle :reason nil :local-txid 252 :args nil :now 2024-03-05T08:02:57.447Z
instrument.js:191 [SyncManager] idle -> remote->local-full-sync :reason nil :local-txid 252 :args nil :now 2024-03-05T08:02:57.448Z
instrument.js:191 [01b1f34f-8489-4276-9d78-95b5af6a68db] setting sync age-encryption passphrase...
instrument.js:191 [SyncManager] remote->local-full-sync -> idle :reason nil :local-txid 252 :args nil :now 2024-03-05T08:02:57.528Z
instrument.js:191 [SyncManager] idle -> local->remote-full-sync :reason nil :local-txid 252 :args nil :now 2024-03-05T08:02:57.529Z
instrument.js:191 :frontend.fs.sync/diff-file-metadata-sets-elapsed-time 5.900000000139698 ms
instrument.js:191 [full-sync(local->remote)] 12 files need to sync and 0 local files need to delete
instrument.js:191 [full-sync(remote->local)] 1 files need to sync
instrument.js:191 :sync-local->remote change [pages/读书___疑问___马拉松训练指南.md assets/训练量表格3.jpeg pages/读书___笔记___马拉松训练指南.md assets/training_cycle_two.jpeg assets/training_cycle_three.jpeg journals/2024_03_04.md assets/训练量表格2.jpeg assets/training_cycle_one.jpeg assets/训练量表格1.jpeg assets/training_cycle_four.jpeg assets/vertical_oscillation.mp4 assets/Electric-Blues-DanielsTables-3-01-02.xlsm]
instrument.js:191 "[diff-merge]base!=current, 3-way merge"
instrument.js:191 Parsing start:  pages/读书___笔记___马拉松训练指南.md
instrument.js:191 Parsing finished:  pages/读书___笔记___马拉松训练指南.md
instrument.js:191 [SyncManager] local->remote-full-sync -> idle :reason nil :local-txid 252 :args nil :now 2024-03-05T08:02:58.856Z
instrument.js:191 rsapi error: Error: Error invoking remote method 'main': Error: Can not upload temp file, code=403: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Request has expired</Message><X-Amz-Expires>600</X-Amz-Expires><Expires>2024-03-05T08:13:00Z</Expires><ServerTime>2024-03-05T16:03:02Z</ServerTime><RequestId>1Z3AYSR4JHAZ8DHR</RequestId><HostId>DWubBCiRJXWVyZNlKw0IgyaTXInwQjtHLT/qhqpXu96VlcF6d8fVcUl5jxEuQkveS8pyJNuvrXqmwZfpEGexcg==</HostId></Error>
instrument.js:191 sync-local->remote unknown: #error {:message Promise error, :data {:error :promise-error}, :cause #object[Error Error: Error invoking remote method 'main': Error: Can not upload temp file, code=403: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Request has expired</Message><X-Amz-Expires>600</X-Amz-Expires><Expires>2024-03-05T08:13:00Z</Expires><ServerTime>2024-03-05T16:03:02Z</ServerTime><RequestId>1Z3AYSR4JHAZ8DHR</RequestId><HostId>DWubBCiRJXWVyZNlKw0IgyaTXInwQjtHLT/qhqpXu96VlcF6d8fVcUl5jxEuQkveS8pyJNuvrXqmwZfpEGexcg==</HostId></Error>]}
instrument.js:191 [SyncManager] idle -> idle :reason nil :local-txid 252 :args nil :now 2024-03-05T08:03:01.558Z
instrument.js:191 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data')
    at sentry.cljs:45:40
    at sentry.cljs:45:26
    at request.js:1:1
    at Array.<anonymous> (promisebuffer.js:47:14)
    at promisebuffer.js:33:17
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at y._executeHandlers (promisebuffer.js:93:9)
    at promisebuffer.js:52:16
    at y (promisebuffer.js:35:20)
    at y.then (promisebuffer.js:40:20)
    at A._processEvent (baseclient.js:1:63)
    at A._captureEvent (baseclient.js:461:62)
    at baseclient.js:137:26
    at Array.<anonymous> (promisebuffer.js:47:14)
    at promisebuffer.js:33:17
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at y._executeHandlers (promisebuffer.js:93:9)
    at promisebuffer.js:52:16
    at y (promisebuffer.js:35:20)
    at y.then (promisebuffer.js:40:20)
    at A.captureException (baseclient.js:132:16)
    at g._invokeClient (hub.js:467:78)
    at g.captureException (hub.js:204:29)
    at w (index.js:169:1)
    at Q.captureException (index.js:1:63)
    at events.cljs:456:1
    at $APP.$JSCompiler_prototypeAlias$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1$ (core.cljs:11345:18)
    at $switch__29379__auto__$jscomp$187$$ (events.cljs:973:5)
    at Function.$frontend$handler$events$run_BANG__$_state_machine__29380__auto____1$$ [as $cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1$] (events.cljs:973:5)
    at $cljs$core$async$impl$ioc_helpers$run_state_machine_wrapped$$ (ioc_helpers.cljs:46:3)
    at ioc_helpers.cljs:53:3
    at channels.cljs:65:72
    at $cljs$core$async$impl$dispatch$process_messages$$ (dispatch.cljs:29:23)
    at $channel$jscomp$1$$.port1.onmessage (nexttick.js:190:5)

I am not sure whether this is a bug but it looks like one to me as it was working literally yesterday.

Thanks for the help!

On a side note, can we please have a pop-up for cloud overwriting local files? in situation like this, where syncing is not working correctly and I was trying to reproduce the error, I had to log out and then in; once I log in and start syncing, my local files are basically just gone, muted. A pop up would really help prevent this. Thanks a lot!