I’m trying to use Advanced Queries to format the results of a query using the view (which I believe uses the Hiccup library) - but I’m trying to get it to output a complex block, which isn’t just html.
For example, there’s a Mermaid plugin available on the marketplace - and ideally, I’d like to be able to use an Advanced Query to find blocks/pages matching some query, and then build a Mermaid diagram from it; the Mermaid plugin uses 2 blocks for its output, one with a “render” button, and the other which is the Mermaid diagram source (wrapped in 3 backticks)
Is it possible to use :view
to output more complicated blocks than just html?
Specific example of the Mermaid diagram I’d like to build from the results of an Advanced Query mermaid Editor
: item1
: item2
: item3