Using Logseq for bible study

I am a non Christian and not a Catholic. However, I am thinking of using Logseq to assist me in capturing my thoughts and questions while I am reading the bible. I have upload Joshua’s Obsidian files into Logseq

Before I start re-inventing the wheels again, I just want to check whether someone has gone down this route or have other better suggestions

I have an internet acquaintance who has done something for this in obsidian. Do you want me to get a link from him for that?

I’m working on my own logseq plugin for some bible study tooling, but it’s going to be some time before it’s ready for anyone to use.

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Thanks, I would like to get the link if it is different from that Joshua has posted (in my original post)

I have being reading Bible recently, and I am a non Christian too. I would write an article everyday after finishing reading a chapter. I thought about writing with Logeq, but it seems Logseq is not suitable for writing long form article. I hope I could put my thoughts into it one day.

Oh, I didn’t realize but this work I was talking about is actually derivative of Joshua’s.

I couldn’t find something I liked, so I reformatted the Berean Study (Standard) Bible for use in Logseq. Import the files into your graph, re-index, and you’ll be able to quote verses using (( John 3:16 )). Hope it’s useful to someone!


Very much appreciate your time in putting this together. This is my “go to” translation in my own Bible Study. Thank you!!!


How could I go about converting the other texts that makes available? Example being the Greek texts that are translated. I know these are available there.

The translation tables and concordance are also available. Could all of this be connected in classic html approach (or better)?

A very belated thank you for this! It’s not a translation I’m familiar with, but it looks good. And, besides that, I can reliably refer to a verse in my journal/sermons/writing and track it down later.