Is it possible to convert a string value to a float value in an advanced query in order to do basic math?
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Demonstration: Parsing Strings into Numbers in Logseq Queries
This example demonstrates how to parse string values into numbers using read-string
in a Logseq advanced query. The query also shows how to handle invalid inputs gracefully and calculate a total sum from valid numeric values.
Query Code
:title "Sum Parsed Numbers with Hard-Coded Data"
:query [:find ?nonexistent
:where [?b :block/properties ?props]
[(get ?props :zyx) ?nonexistent]
[(= ?nonexistent "000")]] ;; Query for a non-existent property
:result-transform (fn [blip]
(let [hard-coded-data [{:raw-amount "3"}
{:raw-amount "5"}
{:raw-amount "invalid"}]
realized-rows (for [item hard-coded-data]
(let [raw (:raw-amount item)
parsed (read-string raw)]
{:raw-amount raw
:parsed-amount (if (number? parsed) parsed 0)}))
total (reduce + (for [row realized-rows] (:parsed-amount row)))]
{:data {:rows realized-rows :total total}}))
:view (fn [{:keys [data]}]
[:table {:class "table-auto"}
[:th "Raw Amount"]
[:th "Parsed Amount"]]]
(for [{:keys [raw-amount parsed-amount]} (:rows data)]
[:td raw-amount]
[:td (if (number? parsed-amount) parsed-amount "n/a")]])]]
[:p [:strong "Total: "] (str (get data :total))]])
Example Input Data
Page 1
amount-raw:: "5"
Page 2
amount-raw:: "3"
Page 3
amount-raw:: "invalid"
Expected Output
Raw Amount | Parsed Amount |
3 | 3 |
5 | 5 |
invalid | n/a |
Total: 8
How It Works
Parsing with
:- The
step usesread-string
to parse the:amount-raw
value into a numeric type. - Non-numeric strings like
remain as strings and are filtered out.
- The
Handling Invalid Values:
- Invalid values are shown as
in the table and excluded from the total sum.
- Invalid values are shown as
Dynamic Table Rendering:
- The
step renders a table showing both the raw string values and their parsed equivalents.
- The
Summing Numeric Values:
- Only valid numeric values are summed to calculate the total.
This example provides a straightforward demonstration of string-to-number conversion and summing numeric data in Logseq queries. Let me know if you have any questions!
Can use [(* 1 ?str) ?float]