Whiteboard inspirations from Xournal++ and Onenote

Whiteboard looks extremely promising already and there are a ton of use cases for the current features.

Some inspirational features I’ve thought of come from other applications with infinite canvas like Xournal++ and Onenote

List of Xournal++ features that would seem useful for Whiteboard.

1. Traditional toolbar

— alt functionality to focus on pop-up menu
— Most of these settings are located within a toolbar at the top of the application.
— Logseq already has a toolbar that’s hidden and can be accessed through the alt button
— the list below should be easily accessible through the toolbar either by using alt or through assigned shortcuts

2. Different Views

— the toolbar has the ability to be hidden and changed for ease of use
— along with a presentation mode hiding all buttons but keeping the functionality

3. Different Export settings

— Logseq’s own Whiteboard format (w/o having to copy and paste from LS file directory)
— all within Logseq

4. Canvas properties

— paper color
— paper background (grid, lined, dots, etc.)
— fixed settings for canvas so we don’t have to change the properties every time

4. Stylus Settings

a. pressure sensitivity
— a toggle to turn it on or off
— minimum pressure
— pressure multiplier

b. Input Stabilization
— averaging method : none / arithmetic / weighted

List of Onenote features that would seem useful for Whiteboard.

1. Linking

— this feature would be separate from Logseq’s own referencing and would be an additional feature specific to Whiteboard only as to not get confused with Logseq’s referencing (in the sense of you can only create this link within whiteboard)
— in Onenote there is the feature to grab a link from any object
— it doesn’t count the number of times it has been used
— this link can be pasted anywhere or hyperlinked into anything e.g. text, pictures, videos, etc.
— pasting the link somewhere on the canvas and clicking said pasted link will bring you back to the origin
— this link should also be able to be clicked on within a block setting bringing you back to the whiteboard
— the simplicity of this without a count (similar to a hyperlinked text using Logseq page/block URL’s) would be useful within the infinite canvas setting
— coupled with Logseq’s referencing this could be a powerful tandem to navigate in and out of Whiteboard

Good idea
For me, I need to put lots of hyperlinks inside elements in a whiteboard.
The feature paste a link help me but rich text, clickable urls and images could be interesting inside the standard elements.
Links throught pages shoud be also interesting.