Whiteboards safe to use?

Hi, I’m getting to the point where I’d really like to be able to do some serious project planning with whiteboard, but worried about losing work. I lost a semi-detailed mind-map a number of months ago when I changed the name of the board, jkmontoro - lost a whole file - and two days of work - at the end of April and asandikci just lost TODO blocks one day ago (it’s June 15). The losses seem quite random - but is there a pattern - and are there things one can do to avoid losses while, I’m hoping, the bugs are fixed? Thanks!


After I lost my Whiteboard file (nobody knows how this happened), they tried to recover the file and they did partially.
Nevertheless, I would not use Whiteboards for serious projects because the risk is too high.
Currently I’m using Obsidian with Excalidraw plug-in and it is great.
Hope it helps.

By the sound of it, whiteboards are not yet safe if you can’t afford to lose the work. For what it’s worth, I’ve spent about three weeks using a whiteboard to plan projects for a modded Minecraft server, and haven’t lost anything yet. If you want to use excalidraw as suggested by @jkmontoro, but stay with Logseq, you can use either the built in Excalidraw integration or the Excalidraw plugin for Logseq. In my opinion, the plugin is better. It fullscreens the canvas while you draw, and then neatly hides the controls when displaying as an inline image. Less cluttery than the always-visible controls on the regular Excalidraw integration.

One of the main reasons for random losses is a conflict between sync solutions. I wouldn’t recommend working on something like a dropbox/google drive folder for example because you can hit major issues.

But why? Well, Logseq is constantly writing/reading markdown files as you are working on them and this confuses the file sync system. Causing Logseq to slow down while both are competing for files. And worse, data lose when they both get confused and then decide to pick the wrong version.

Regardless I would highly recommend a 1 way backup at interval, most operating systems have a solution for this. The difference with file sync solutions is that they don’t try and work both ways and only run infrequently, like once every hour or even less.

I expect this issue to be fixed in the DB version since syncing Markdown files will
,once 2 way sync is implemented, be a much more deliberate action. And the fact that the team has mentioned that one of the reasons they are slow going is to make the backend much more robust.