Suppose I have a page called “Magnetic Field” and another called “Psychology”.
Each contains a block called “Review” that contains flashcards as sub-blocks.
Now, if I click on the Flashcards list item on the lefthand side of logseq, a window opens and there is a dropdown that is by default “All”, and below is one flashcard from the collection of all flashcards in the graph. If I click on the dropdown, there are no other options.
If I close this window and go into the “Psychology” page and write {{card [[Psychology]]}} in a block, then when I leave that block it turns into a very specific UI element showing a button “Review Cards”.
If I click that button, then I get the same window as I got previously, but not instead of “All” in the dropdown there is [[Psychology]] and the flashcards are now from only this page.
My question is about the following step.
Suppose I close the window and now delete the {{card [[Psychology]]}} that I wrote before.
From now on, I can simply click on the Flashcards list item on the lefthand side of logseq and [[Psychology]] will be available in the dropdown if I only want to review flashcards from that page.
The behavior described above is weird to me.
Why do I need to write {{card [[Psychology]]}} and then delete it for it to appear in Flashcards?
Couldn’t flashcards be detected on each page and that page appear in the dropdown automatically?
Note that the page [[Magnetic Field]] does not have its own dropdown option unless I would write {{card [[Magnetic Field]]}} and then delete this.