Why did you choose logseq?

Hey, I’m new here. The first thing I wanted to write about is why the loqseq community… prefers logseq. I know what identifies this tool, but in a deeper and more personal way why did you choose to rely on logseq as your tool of choice for everything you do (zettelkasten, Journaling, Database, etc)? Why is logseq superior for you in what you have chosen to use it for?

Well, as I’m just trying it out for my zettelkasten after a while with obsidian, I’d love to hear your opinions. :slight_smile:


Hi Limonada,

I used Obsidian for around six months before making the switch.For me it comes down to a couple of things: One, that links and tags are treated identically. I don’t have to wonder whether something I’ve treated as a link should be a tag and vice versa. Secondly, I create all of my content in the journal and pull topics together through links and tags. Logseq seems to offer a helpful but constrained path on how best to do things so I’m not overthinking how I should do things. I found Obsidian allowed analysis paralysis by offering too much choice of format and structure.


I take your last point, obsidian, while powerful, does not offer you the best.

I switched from Obsidian to Logseq because it’s open source.

  • Free and open source
  • Local-first software, e.g. works great with Git
  • Cross-platform (I use interchangeably on a Mac and a PC)
  • Pages correlate to text files which are easy for a human to parse; thus, even if the tool were to go away I’d be able to understand and use the underlying format with a basic text editor. Fortunately, even VSCode has plugins which are compatible with Logseq’s wiki/orgmode formatting. Thus, the non-custom format eliminates vendor lock in.
  • I love outliners for organizing thoughts (outlines are essentially mind maps in a simpler format)
  • The custom queries provide me with enough control to setting up a workflow that I like. I define a set of custom queries in the custom.edn file. Thus, my homepage (Journals) has everything I need to manage my workflow.
  • The minimalistic veneer. I have a boss who swears by OneNote, which I have never liked because I want the austere UI afforded by outliners.
  • Markdown entry. I am not left to learning a tool-specific process of data entry and update. That is, I can know just a few commands and the UI fades entirely into the background. I don’t have to operate off context menus and the like.

I chose Logseq for reasons others have, with one significant addition. I chose the tool because I didn’t have time to try all the various tools and do an in depth analysis of whatever is best (whatever that means). I decided instead to stick to the first thing that works for my needs and to learn it well.