Why do I get no matched cards for filtering by topic for flashcards?

I have this snippet:

This is the source of this file:

- My Topic 1 #topic1 #card
  card-last-interval:: 4
  card-repeats:: 1
  card-ease-factor:: 2.6
  card-next-schedule:: 2023-10-04T11:37:28.772Z
  card-last-reviewed:: 2023-09-30T11:37:28.773Z
  card-last-score:: 5
	- Yes this is topic 1
- My Topic 2 #topic2 #card
  card-last-interval:: 4
  card-repeats:: 1
  card-ease-factor:: 2.6
  card-next-schedule:: 2023-10-04T11:37:30.327Z
  card-last-reviewed:: 2023-09-30T11:37:30.328Z
  card-last-score:: 5
	- Yes this is topic 2
- {{cards + [[topic1]]}}

Why is it saying no matched cards as you see I do have such tag…

Welcome. What is the + for?

Ah!!! I have misread this post (Is there a way to filter flashcards? - #2 by Alex_QWxleA) , removed the ‘+’ now works correctly. :blush: