Hi there, I can’t find out why some of my queries are not shown at all whereas some are displayed with a message No matched result
. It is inconsistent.
I should add that I tested and the “invisible” queries work when I create a task that match the filter.
Any idea ? Here are my queries inside my contents file :
{:title [:h3 "🔨 Now"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"DOING" "NOW"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "DOING" or "NOW"
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/deadline] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/scheduled] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date, then scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "☠️ Overdue"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?day ; ?day is the name for the first value in inputs further down.
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/deadline ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute deadline with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(< ?d ?day)] ; The value ?d is smaller than the value ?day
:inputs [:today] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable `:today` as input for this query (gives today's date as yyyymmdd format)
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/deadline])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔥 Past scheduled"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?day ; ?day is the name for the first value in inputs further down.
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/scheduled ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute scheduled with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(< ?d ?day)] ; The value ?d is smaller than the value ?day
:inputs [:today] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable `:today` as input for this query (gives today's date as yyyymmdd format)
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/scheduled])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🆘 Deadline Today"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?today
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/deadline ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute deadline with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(= ?d ?today)] ; The value ?d is equal to the value ?today
:inputs [:today] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable `:today` for today's date
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/deadline])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🆙 Scheduled Today"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?today
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/scheduled ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute scheduled with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(= ?d ?today)] ; The value ?d is equal to the value ?today
:inputs [:today] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable `:today` for today's date
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/scheduled])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔜 Upcoming This Week"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/deadline ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute deadline with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than or equal to the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:today :+7d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable `:today` and 7 days in the future
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/deadline])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "📅 Planned This Week"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/scheduled ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute scheduled with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than or equal to the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:today :+7d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable `:today` and 7 days in the future
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/scheduled])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔜 Upcoming This Month"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/deadline ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute deadline with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:+7d :+30d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 7 days after today and go up to 30 days
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/deadline])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "📅 Planned This Month"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/scheduled ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute scheduled with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:+7d :+30d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 7 days after today and go up to 30 days
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/scheduled])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔜 Upcoming This Quarter"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/deadline ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute deadline with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:+30d :+90d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 30 days after today and go up to 90 days
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/deadline])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "📅 Planned This Quarter"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/scheduled ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute scheduled with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:+30d :+90d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 30 days after today and go up to 90 days
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/scheduled])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔜 Upcoming This Year"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/deadline ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute deadline with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:+90d :+365d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 90 days after today and go up to 365 days
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/deadline])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "📅 Planned This Year"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day ?end-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/scheduled ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute scheduled with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
[(<= ?d ?end-day)] ; The value ?d is less than the value ?end-day
:inputs [:+90d :+365d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 90 days after today and go up to 365 days
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/scheduled])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔜 Upcoming In The Far Future"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/deadline ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute deadline with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
:inputs [:+365d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 365 days after today
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/deadline])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "📅 Planned In The Far Future"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start-day
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/scheduled ?d] ; The block ?b has attribute scheduled with value ?d
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[(> ?d ?start-day)] ; The value ?d is greater than the value ?start-day
:inputs [:+365d] ; Use the Logseq dynamic variable to start 365 days after today
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
[(get-in r [:block/scheduled])
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")]) result)) ; Sort the result by the scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🏃♂️ Next"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/marker ?marker] ; The block ?b has marker ?marker
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if ?marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/content ?content] ; Get the content of the block ?b
[(clojure.string/includes? ?content "#next")] ; Check if ?content includes "#next"
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/deadline] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/scheduled] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date, then scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "💤 Waiting for"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/marker "WAITING"] ; The block ?b has attribute marker with value "WAITING"
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/deadline] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/scheduled] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date, then scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "👷 Delegated"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/marker ?marker] ; The block ?b has marker ?marker
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER" "WAITING"} ?marker)] ; Check if ?marker is either "TODO" or "LATER" or "WAITING"
[?b :block/content ?content] ; Get the content of the block ?b
[(clojure.string/includes? ?content "#delegated")] ; Check if ?content includes "#next"
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/deadline] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/scheduled] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date, then scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔄 Recurring Tasks"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/marker ?marker] ; The block has a marker
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
[?b :block/repeated? true] ; The block is marked as repeated
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/deadline] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/scheduled] 99991231)
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort the result by the deadline date, then scheduled date and then by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔔 Unplanned By Priority"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
(not [?b :block/scheduled]) ; The block does not have a scheduled date
(not [?b :block/deadline]) ; The block does not have a deadline
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[?b :block/content ?content] ; Get the content of the block
(not [(clojure.string/includes? ?content "#next")]) ; The block does not contain the tag #next
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? false ; Don't show the parent blocks in the result
:result-transform (fn [result]
(fn [r]
(get-in r [:block/priority] "Z")
) result)) ; Sort by priority
{:title [:h3 "🔔 Unplanned"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?marker)] ; Check if the marker is either "TODO" or "LATER"
(not [?b :block/scheduled]) ; The block does not have a scheduled date
(not [?b :block/deadline]) ; The block does not have a deadline
(not [?b :block/repeated? true]) ; The block ?b is not repeated
[?b :block/content ?content] ; Get the content of the block
(not [(clojure.string/includes? ?content "#next")]) ; The block does not contain the tag #next
:table-view? false
Thanks in advance !