Why isn't Logseq updating for two months

The development of Logseq seems stagnant to me. The source code hasn’t been updated for two months as I see it from the github website of Logseq. Does anyone know what the current situation is with the Logseq project?


The devs are actively working on the ‘logseq database version’. It’s their current priority, so even though the master branch seems less active for the past months, you can see a lot of daily commits on the ‘feat/db’ branch here : Commits · logseq/logseq · GitHub

The db version will bring a lot of new features and perf improvements in the long run (types/classes, supertags, much faster, multiplayer/crdt). Some of the improvements also make their way to the current master branch.


Thanks for letting me know.

Have we an estimated time of arrival of this feature?? Thanks!!

I am also curious about the (estimated) release time of this important feature.

There is no estimated timeframe. In the announcements section of this forum there’s a thread with more information:

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