Why Redo (Ctrl-y, Ctrl-Shift-z) doesn't work?

I’ve just created two big blocks and then lost them completely. I first pressed Ctrl-z a couple of times and then tried to restore then with Ctrl-y/Ctrl-Shift-z. It didn’t work…

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I’ve just had this happen after an hour of writing, I hit undo and bam, the block reset to before I started editing the text (but not all the way back to the original block that I had changed the sizing, colour etc on) Redo doesn’t work to restore, but I can now Undo further, and Redo works back up until that point :roll_eyes:

It’s crazy how loss of content is still so common in editors in general. It should be the norm to have some sort of low-level protection mechanism for that in any context where the user is inputting data. I guess there are privacy concerns in play, but still.

Now and again I run into apps or websites that do a great job in keeping data, or allowing the user to restore lost data. But it’s rare.

Perhaps this should be an OS level feature (password protected). You pick a time frame for it to keep any input that happens in any context. Then whenever you want you’d be able to check the history for latest content, and easily restore it as needed.

Sorry for the tangent.


Completely agree @BBob
I tried to recover the content by going to ‘View Page History’ in the pip menu but got the error below. What REALLY bugs me about so many of these PKMs, LogSeq and Reflect being 2 I can say this of from experience, is that they are By Coders For Coders. I’m of above average intelligence, reasonably tech-savvy, but getting Error reports such as this are utterly unhelpful.
The default for every users content should be that there is a local cache of all input that is safe and secure and retrievable without having to set-up some obscure (to me at least) settings… settings I only become aware of after it’s too late.
I’ve spent weeks and weeks trying to find a robust system and really thought LogSeq was the one but this single incident has pretty much sent me back to the drawing board.
The search continues.

“log error: fatal: your current branch ‘master’ does not have any commits yet”.
like, what the hell am I supposed to make of that as a non-coder?

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It’s actually quite understandable from an analytical perspective.

  • Versioning or backup is additional complexity, both for the developer and for the user.
  • There is no perfect versioning strategy.
    • Retaining every single change will soon produce excessive data.
    • Versioning by time interval is quite reasonable, but it cannot catch changes made between two versions.
    • Ctrl-S is great and all, however all human beings have a tendency to forget…

My experience tells me that these apps do a great job until one day they don’t. How soon that first failure comes depends on your usage (10 minutes or 8 hours per day) as well as on the codebase quality.