Why WYSIWYG feature not coming for a long time

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) has been proposed as a long term plan since 2021. Why it is still not coming in 2024?

Personally, I use logseq for almost any note taking things and I am happy with it. But the edit experience is the biggest issues, especially when you have many images inserted. I also have used obsidian, I think obsidian’s WYSIWYG is good enough.

At least, two features will be great enough

  1. WYSIWYG for images
  2. WYSIWYG for latex

Here is what things look like in obsidian:


Considering there are so many WYSIWYG markdown editors like obsidian, notion, bear, etc. I think it shouldn’t be really hard to implement WYSIWYG in logseq. Is there any technical challenge?Or the majority of developers and users don’t think WYSIWYG is necessary?


I think plugins can already do a great job, and maybe there’s no need to integrate that feature into Logseq core. I’ve created logseq-live-math and it well fits my own needs.

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Thanks for reminder. I have tried the plugins, it is great but there seems some bug for multi-line equations.

I’m using the multiline math without problem. Please open an issue on GitHub and I’ll try to fix it.


It should be \begin{align}\end{align}

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Plugin can be created if the community has no issue , or we can make it available on github so that whoever wants to implement can get it from git. I also want this as an extra feature to LogSeq, add me +1. much awaited feature.