Working in db-Version

Hello outthere,

I try to prepare myself and my graph for the database version.
I have a few questions and would appreciate all kinds of experiences or inspirations how you do it atm.
I have tried importing my graph into But I wonder where the uploaded data is stored? I don’t see any changes in the folder that I uploaded and can’t find a hint where to search for it.

Also I wonder how my workflow should change and how to change the graph I currently use. I read and but don’t really get a starting point.
Will I have to change all my inline tags with [[]] ?
And I don’t really get the nodes-thing. What is the point of nodes now? And How do they interact with pages and blocks?

Also, does one of you also work with the ‘real’ database version by cloning db-branch from github and building it yourself?

greetings and thanks for your time


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