YouTube authentication for embedded videos?

I really enjoy the ability to embed a YouTube video and then take notes on that video. I, however, subscribe to YouTube Premium for Ad free viewing. In Logseq, however, I am not authenticated so I get ads in my videos while trying to take notes.

Is there a way to use my authenticated account for my embedded YouTube videos?


I am right there with you.

I agree! Requires authorization.

Totally need this as well!

totally. I have the same question for a long while.

Youtube doesnt support this feature based on user authentication. It does give the creator an option to allow to embed:

Might need to bring this up with YouTube. Logseq embeds youtube videos like any other site does, including this forum.

Is there any chance if we export YT cookies from browser and load them to logseq?

That might be possible I don’t see why it wouldn’t work if you send the request with the authentication cookie.