YouTube timecode support for embeds

I enter a lot of YouTube links with a timecode included in the url, for example, a YouTube url that ends with “?t=1160” or something similar. The embed that is displayed does not respect the timecode, but instead, starts playing at the beginning of the video. Embedded YouTube videos do support a start time too. Could we have that for Logseq’s editor as well? (See Embed videos & playlists - YouTube Help)

It works to me. Could you share a URL that doesn’t work?

For example, this one:

(I created it by right-clicking a YouTube video, and selecting “Copy video URL at current time”.)

  • Ok, it works but in this format:
  • Would you be interested in some custom javascript that automatically detects the different format and converts it to the working one?

Ok, good to know.

Yeah, why not, thanks!

Add the following code into file custom.js :

const iframes = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
const iframesObserver = new MutationObserver(function onMutated(){, (iframe)=>{
        const id =
        if (!id.startsWith("youtube")) return

        const parent = iframe.closest(".ls-block")
        const uuid = parent.querySelector(".block-content").getAttribute("blockid")
        const block = logseq.api.get_block(uuid)
        const old = block.content
        const i = old.indexOf("?t=")
        if (i < 0) return

        const content = old.slice(0, 16) + "" + old.slice(25, i) + "&" + old. slice(i + 1)
        logseq.api.update_block(uuid, content)
iframesObserver.observe(document.getElementById("app-container"), {
    attributes: true,
    subtree: true,
    attributeFilter: ["class"]
  • This assumes that the block contains nothing else but a pasted link.
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Thank you for this! I’ll give it a go.