Zotero enhancement by including citations, references and related papers

Further enhancing the capability of the Zotero integration in LogSeq would be crucial, at least for the academic use of LogSeq

The current version of the ZoteroRoam plugin of Roam Research has a brilliant feature. Each imported Zotero item has an on-page menu. The menu shows the records of the item in scite.ai, Connected papers, Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar, and also lists the references, citing papers, and related items in the Zotero library when clicking these buttons:

image taken from https://alix-lahuec.gitbook.io/zotero-roam/how-to/onpage

I find this feature very useful. It would be great to bring it to LogSeq.

That indeed looks really helpful. I’m wondering if it might be a good opportunity for a plugin rather than core functionality. A plugin is beyond my scope of ability at the moment.

In the meantime, some of the basic functionality (at least in terms of linking out) could be replicated in the form of a template or through the smartblocks plugin. The developer of the smartblocks plugin is currently taking final exams, but later I would like to ask him later whether smartblocks has access to page titles and properties, which would help with this.

This is the feature I want most in Logseq!!!

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This plugin is the only reason why I haven’t moved to Logseq.

That ZoteroRoam is also the reason that I still keep using RR alongside logseq


I want this functionality too. Specially the S2 and scite.ai part. But, unfortunately, I can’t use RR. :frowning: So, I need it in LS if it’s possible. :slight_smile: