Zotero settings on iPad

I am unable to make Zotero integration work on iPad. When I invoke the Zotero search bar, I do not get any results when entering titles, authors, tags etc, for items in my Zotero library.

Logseq’s page on Zotero integration (https://docs.logseq.com/#/page/zotero) says that I need to enable syncing in Zotero. Zotero forum tells me the Zotero app syncs by default. (Enable syncing via iPad - Zotero Forums)

Zotero’s own settings include an Automatic Zotero iOS Client Key, but the Logseq app does not seem to have an option to use it. I therefore created a new private key in Zotero, for use in Logseq’s Zotero settings.

Am I missing something?