How do I download and uploaded asset?

After uploading (/upload) a PDF to a note, when I click on it later it brings up a small view of the PDF (in split screen mode, in the left half) so I can see it. But I cannot see any way to download the pdf from there. How do I do that?

I see another post where someone wonders if this is already implemented, but I do not see any way to do it.

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Really, no one know anything about this?

Risking stating things you already know: If you upload an asset it is placed in the asset folder by default as far as I know, typically with the original file name appended some extra numbers. In that sense you don’t need to download the file, it is already in your assets folder. If you want to see exactly where it’s located and the file name you can enter edit mode to see what the actual file link is.

I don’t know any simple way to go directly to the file location, but one not so simple way is clicking on the file to open the pdf window, open the annotation page (the speech bubble looking button), and the clicking the file path link. That opens the pdf in the default pdf viewer. You could then open file location, save it to some other location, etc. But I haven’t really had the need to do this in my current workflow, so there might be easier ways that I haven’t seen.

If you want greater control over asset placement etc, I would recommend checking out the following post: Macros to improve assets management. I used that to create a pdf macro to easily open, reference and highlight files in Logseq that are located outside the assets folder.


Thank you for the reply. I learned something from you:

“one not so simple way is clicking on the file to open the pdf window, open the annotation page (the speech bubble looking button), and the clicking the file path link. That opens the pdf in the default pdf viewer.”

It’s a bit messy, but works quickly enough.

I really don’t understand why Loqseq does not have a button to simply show the file in the default pdf viewer, or to download the file to a folder of your choice.

I checked out the Macro post you suggested, but have to say I’m not understanding it. But doesn’t matter as the method you suggested worked well enough for me.

Well, you should be able to access all your uploaded assets in your Graph-name/assets folder on your computer.

You can download the PDF file to any location that you want on your computer, and then make a link to it by either typing out the file name, or using a plugin like Local Assets Plugin to use the file browser to find files to embed.

Blockquote "Well, you should be able to access all your uploaded assets in your Graph-name/assets folder on your computer.

Blockquote You can download the PDF file to any location that you want on your computer, and then make a link to it by either typing out the file name, or using a plugin like Local Assets Plugin to use the file browser to find files to embed.

Thanks. It’s just a workaround though. Logseq should still just have a button to display the PDF in a viewer. How hard can it be, most other apps do this.

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Just came here with the same problem. This is bonkers. The idea that i have to go over to the assets folder which is inherently not even organized and try to find the file instead of just right clicking or hitting a button seems like a massive oversite. I’m in Logseq…with the file open in front of me…why do I need to go into file explorer and do a search.

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Yeah, It should be a field or something showing all assets linked to the note (like pages) with option (button) to download/‘save as’ that asset. For example I have a note regarding my trip with a pdf of train/plain tickets linked to it and I want to share the tickets pdf to my wife, why I should go to the assets directory with lots of stuff and searching for that pdf?

You can add a simple note to download the asset; when you upload it looks like

![Uploaded document to view](../assets/data_1711336961460_0.pdf)

By making a copy of the cell and removing front exclamation mark, you get a link to download the file:

[Uploaded document to download](../assets/data_1711336961460_0.pdf)