I don’t know how to ask this better.
I posted some days ago because I’m new to this kind of application, and I’m testing Logseq and Obsidian in paralell to see where I feel more comfortable. I would like to use logseq because OSS, but I’m not sure I’m getting the itch, and for this I ask for help.
I will not enter into plugins support (because I need basic things at all) or cute (because this can be modified by CSS). The thing is I’m not feeling natural with logseq, and, I don’t know if just is not the app for me, or I don’t use it as expected.
AFAIK, Logseq information flow grows from journal. Journaling is how you add blocks with information tagged where you want this information, and later you access this information, or from referenced links, queries, or just embeding this block in the page you want.
My issue is I’m not too much a “journalist”. I don’t write what I do everyday, “quotes”, books and so on … Maybe I want to take some notes about something, and feel more natural to me to just “go to the page of this info, and put it there”, because maybe I forgot to embed the block in the final page, and I don’t look into “references” because anyway I always “copy” to the page. And anyway, if I want to write first in the journal for fast noting and organize later or something like that, I can reference a block anyway in Obsidian too.
For example, One of my hobbies is Go game, and want to add info about some info (screenshots, sequeences, notes…) to my “Go database” to study and have it there. I know this can be done anyway with logseq, but then I feel I’m losing at all the power of blocks, and taking in consideration the main power of logseq are blocks, then makes no sense at all, right? I feel more natural to have my Go folder, with “Joseki” subfolder and notes for each joseki I add, and search them this way, or maybe on a “Master” note in Go Folder, or whathever.
On the other side, I don’t feel I “control” about the information I have. Comparing with Obsidian (just as reference because I don’t have nothing more) I have all the structure of folders/subfolders-notes/files there. It’s “easy” to find something and add/remove/modify
Well, just wanted to share to know opinions. Just I don’t know if I miss something, If I’m not thinking at should be, or is just logseq maybe is not for me at all, thanks.