How to export query results as markdown or rich text?

I am using a query to compile pages and blocks with various criteria in order to organize a know how transfer. I would love to copy or export the page in rich text or markdown in order to send it over to the colleague.

Unfortunately, exporting the page does not work this way, as the found blocks are not exported, but only the fragment {query ....}. Also copy & paste does not work, as the blocks are not selected correctly.

Is there a way to export the query results nicely?


The only way I know is using this command line tool:

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Thank you. That is quite odd that this is not a standard in the export or copy/copy as function.


One tip I can give is to take a picture of the screen and let some OCR-capable program recover the text for you. There are plenty of those integrated in modern smartphones. It is a dirty workaround, but hey! - it works…

Posted another work-around here:

Any other progress on this?

If we analyse the concept of a “query” as a request for information or a specific action, typically in the context of searching for data, asking a question, or making a request of a system or service… why on earth printing or exporting the outcome as flat text is not an out-of-the-box Logseq option?

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How do I export my Logseq account info?

Does anybody have the need to exporting/rendering/sharing/publishing the exact set of results from a query into some sort of format out of Logseq?

Is it not a primary need? Do you just input data inside the Graph and not sharing it with anybody else or yourself for other type of tasks/purposes?


I absolutely need this feature. Logseq is incredible for my own workflow but I need a way to export data into formats I can share with others in and outside my organization. For example, I manage about 20 projects a year. Each project has meta data that I query depending on how I need to view or share information on my projects with people who do not have (or need) access to my graph. Mentaloid was nice enough to create a script for me to copy queried results into a table or as text so I can paste it into a Word document and edit it from there.

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@daviddelven check out this forum post How to Copy/Export Results from an Advanced Query in Logseq - #6 by Tigersen

I think that requires even a mini tutorial on how to build and use it! I read there is a need to install something called “kits” and so on…

It is difficult for me to understand how, no matter how complicated it is to achieve it, there is no “out-of-the-box” feature to export query results out of Logseq.

And seeing how people don’t find any problem with following the instructions from Mentaloid with his script for the warkaround… I wonder how many people using Logseq have no “dev” background. For me, every time I see there is a need for running a script on something very basic (sharing retrieved information on a metadata based system!!!) … I just see a “fail” on the software design initial idea.

I think we need to cut the devs some slack here. Logseq is far from fully baked so I don’t think the average user should expect too much. Being able to script things, however, gives people with more dev experience to make Logseq what they need and provides the opportunity for people to contribute to the development of the software. I hear it’s a small team so I am not expecting too much. All things considered, I too wish that it was easier to get the features I want but, given the small team, and from what I can tell, no way to generate real income from this, I am extending them patience and grace.

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Me too. But this thing in particular deserves a main priority on the roadmap, i.m.o. as much as jumping into a DB. Maybe it will be easier to implement once the DB is fully developed.

Maybe not as much but definitely should be in the top 10. I imagine most workflows will need to export data from Logseq to another format at some point.

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