I Want Help Custom Templates for Logseq

Hello there,

I want to create a few different types of templates for various purposes, such as meeting notes, project planning & daily journaling. I did like these templates to include placeholders for common elements like meeting agendas, action items & project milestones; I am also interested in incorporating dynamic elements that could auto fill certain data based on specific criteria.

I did like a template that includes sections for the meeting agenda, attendees, action items & next steps; It would be great if the template could also have a date field that auto fills with the current date.

This template should help me outline project goals, tasks, deadlines & responsible team members. I am searching for a structure that allows easy tracking of progress & updates.

I have read through the documentation= https://discuss.logseq.com/t/moving-from-roam-to-logseq-dates-created- looker-tutorial witch help me alot… !!

Thank you!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Templates are neat. I make extensive use of them.

Logseq’s documentation, while incomplete, does have some examples of dynamic variables related to dates: templates (logseq.com). You may also search through the forums for previous answers to similar questions.

  • for the current date, you would use <% today %>

If you are interested in more powerful templates, consider looking at


If you could share samples of what you will like to achieve, it’ll help others to guide you better.