Is it possible to set column width in search Table View?

I have a template for books reading as below

- ### Books_Meta
	  books-Title:: Unlocking Secrets: How to get people to tell you everything
	  books-Cover:: ![image]({:height 172, :width 98}
	  books-Author:: David Craig
	  books-PubDate:: 2018/03/03
	  books-MyRank:: Good (Good/SoSo/Bad)
	  books-Where:: (Reserved)

Then I perform a simply & quick search {{query “books-Title”}} get Table view below,

The column “books-title” looks too wide for me, I am wondering if there’s way to reduce it in display. Is there a way to set “Table view” column width? or just average each column? or maybe there’s way to wrap the text as several lines like
image{:height 172, :width 98}” for image ?

The second question is for properties value like “books-MyRank:: Good (Good/SoSo/Bad)” above.
Actually “(Good/SoSo/Bad)” is just a reminder, is there any other way to make something like selection list except to make a new template ? Just want to seek better solution.

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@mentaloid , thanks for your kindly guidance.
I add the “custom-query-results” you mentioned while seems not work in my search Table view. While it’s work after I changed “custom-query-results” to “td” from other post according to your hint.
Below is what works in my side.

td {
    white-space: pre-wrap !important;

For property values, I am still try and study the line you provided.

Really appreciate your kindly reply and hint that quickly guide me to the correct direction. :+1:

I would recommend using the following css option instead of the above one:

/* Wrap text in query table */
td {
    white-space: pre-wrap !important;
    word-break: keep-all

This ensures that words don’t get broken to force wrapping of lines