Logseq Logo Community Contest: Submission Thread

There was a dark time when everyone wondered what art was, that is, what were the properties that had to be present in something in the world for that something in the world to be considered art. This obviously implied either that those properties were already in the world and had to be discovered, or that someone in the world dictated what those properties were. So, while some dreamers and idealists were determined to make such a fantastic discovery, others, more pragmatic, took control of the situation and came to dictate the rules of art: if such and such a thing fulfills this and that, then it is art; and not otherwise. There came a day, however, when these artistic “authorities” lost their auctoritas. That day came when Arthur Danto changed the question, thus changing the paradigm:

it is not a question of knowing what art is, but of knowing why such and such a thing is art.

A paradigm shift that can be extrapolated to epistemology. In this realm of sages, Gettier’s definition according to which knowledge is a justified true belief dominates, a definition that tries to answer the question:

“What is knowledge?”

So, emulating Danto, we could change it to:

“Why is this knowledge?”

Thus: who could argue that among the range of answers to that question is the product that enables and generates Loqseq? Because, to paraphrase Mr. Ego:

“Not everyone can know, but a great connoisseur can come from anywhere”.

Our logo is a remote evolution from the primitive question “What is knowledge?”, thereby showing that this or that output is or can be knowledge regardless of what the sages say or do not say about what knowledge is.

@21213KK525 (Twitter profile)