Make Logseq Copy/Paste work with Microsoft Office

Please make Logseq work together with Office. Basic features like copy/paste should just work in either direction.

This is an important feature for anyone who tries to share notes from Logseq by email or copy content from Word into Logseq.

For example, copying a simple nested list from Word into Logseq fails at preserving the nesting, enumeration, and leaves lots of spurious html tags like “<!–[if !supportLists]->o”

This is a text in Word without any fancy formatting:

This is how it looks pasted into Logseq. The lists are lost and spurious symbols appear:

Sometimes the images don’t show at all, but even if they do, they are buried in html and link to the temp folder, so they will be gone eventually:

Logseq to Office works better and maintains the nesting, but images are still lost and replaced by the text “image.png”.

Here are a couple related discussions I’ve found: