"Please choose valid directory" issue on iPhone

Can you please explain the scenario on iOS when trying to open a new graph it only lets you open a folder that has the Logseq icon?

In my case I’ve created a graph on desktop and saved it to a folder which I share with my iPhone via the Syncthing service. My desktop Logseq app can open that folder, but when I try open that folder from Logseq on my iPhone I’m told to choose a valid directory?

How do I work around this?


I don’t use Syncthing, but a part of that is because I did not think it was even available in the App Store?

In any case, there is no way to get around the iOS requirement that your Logseq graph be stored in the Logseq icon folder. Apple sandboxes apps as a security measure, and I don’t think there’s any way around it without voiding your warranty.

In general, the preferred method is syncing with Git, avoiding any cloud service.

Most people use the Git Sync 101 guide which advises iOS users to get Working Copy, but if $20 isn’t worth it (I balked for days, then caved after remembering worse spends) there is also this free, if more technical, git method for iOS using a-shell.

met the same problem, have you solved it :sob:

My understanding is that the Logseq sync works, but I have the same issue. The desktop app opens the remote graphs but when you try to open a remote graph on ipad it asks for a valid folder. I choose the folder with the logseq logo on it and it gives a bunch of errors saying that files already exist.

Hope this is helpful?

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I had a problem about choosing directory before. https://www.reddit.com/r/logseq/comments/ymi6t3/comment/iv80zs3

Not sure if these steps could help

delete the app
go to Files to manually delete all related files
Update iOS to 16.1 (and reboot, obviously)
open Files, this time I could see files created by other apps in “On My Phone”
Reinstall logseq


  1. Sync the folder via Syncthing ( Möbiuis Sync)
  2. Move your synced logseq folder in the default logseq folder (has logseq icon)
  3. Go to Syncthing and remove the synced logseq folder
  4. Sync your folder again but now with the Path inside the logseq-folder with the icon

Thanks Betty. Before I dive into this, just checking that you have tested with iphone (not android)?

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I used my iPad (iOS 16.2)

This is helpful to me! Just make any foleder under iCouldDrive/Logseq the source folder.

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I’m not sure I quite follow the steps?

Step number 2 - how did you move it? The Files application? Did you copy the folder to another location, then delete the original, then sync?

And does the sync continue to work after this?

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Appreciate all the tips here. I managed to solve this by deleting everything (files that had been created on mac plus uninstalling mac app and iphone app) then started again. This time created the first graph on iphone and when you do that there’s an option for ‘icloud sync’, selected that and it all worked perfectly

I just upgraded my iPhone from X to 15 and now my logseq syncing isn’t working. It was before I upgraded my phone. How can I synch them again?

The most frustrating, tedious and unhelpful aspect of this How-to is that I don’t wish to set up more graphs… I want to use the one that I already have. How to I log back in to that and stay in sync with it?

So I got this to work by creating more graphs and making new unnecessary passwords and then finding a way to sync it at the end of the above mentioned document… After sorting through various names of graphs like “Logseq” or “Documents” – How can I change these names into something more meaningful to me?

If one already has a primary graph, then there should be a simple, step by step way to do this. I wouldn’t really recommend Logseq for anyone unless they want to spend a lot of time try to figure things out and get them to work.

I have been using this for over a year so I’m feeling married to this system. But gawsh it can be clunky, arcane and tedious.