Publish Android Beta app to Play Store

First, I would like to thank you for the fantastic job the Logseq team is doing. I love using your application on my computer. However, I wish I could also use it on my Android phone.

In my case, and perhaps for others as well, this is unfortunately not currently possible. My employer enforces my participation in the Advanced Protection Program, which means I cannot install apps on my smartphone from outside the Play Store. However, there is currently no way to install Logseq on Android smartphones other than from untrusted sources.

Here comes my earnest request - would you be so kind as to publish Logseq in the Play Store right now? I know that the app is still in a beta state, but the Play Store allows the app to be published as an open test.

Same here:

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Also wondering this, for the same reason.
The iOS app has been published for quite a while now…

My guess is that this won’t happen until Sync is ready.

And further:
that the Play Store publishing is blocked on the over-broad filesystem access Logseq currently needs
which will only be obviated by Sync being available.

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Like everyone in the community we’d love to release Logseq to the official Play Store. While I’m not an expert, what I’ve understood from the team is that the way the Logseq accesses the file system is not accepted by the Play Store rules. So until we find a workaround for this technical issue, we can only offer the .apk for side-loading.


Is there any update on this? My employer also restricts installation from other sources.

However, Galaxy Store is available on my phone.

Could it be a workaround to distribute Logseq through manufacturers stores instead of Google Play Store? (Or do Manufacturer Stores like Samsung Huawei etc have the same restrictions as Google?)

Happy birthday to this thread :slight_smile:
Is this still on the team’s agenda?

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I don’t even know how to upgrade the apk version. I’m delaying that because I don’t want to mess break it.

Apparently it was easy. I temporarily allowed the browser to install apps then the apk upgraded the app requiring no intervention.

Are there incentives to publish the mobile app to F-Droid as well?

With reproducible builds (beneficial for Play store too), this should be manageable.

Or does Logseq mobile contain binary blobs or have closed-source dependencies?

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Saludos. Igualmente necesito la app en playstore, ya que mi tablet no me permite instalar la apk. Les agradezco su ayuda. Me encanta Logseq.

I’ve been supporting Logseq on Open Collective for a long time, hoping for it to make it to the Play Store, but losing hope :frowning:

x-ref to Use Storage Access Framework for best privacy & compatibility

I created a “Feature Request” thread on the forum about this: Fdroid for android app

Crazy apple allows this app. As a developer I have always found the iOS app store to be more restrictive then Android.

Anywho any updates from the team on progress moving forward on this?

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I’m a bit disappointed that this does not work yet. I am in the same boat as @mcl where my company restricts .apk installations. So I have to choose between being able to access company resources or using logseq. Company resources win out here. So I’m forced to use Obsidian at the moment. I would love to switch to logseq but without being able to take notes on-the-go on my mobile it’s losing all its value.

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Thanks for all the work you guys do. I’d appreciate a properly released Android app as well.
Sideloading seems very unprofessional and dodgy and it’s also not terribly great for the user experience.


I’d really like some comfort on this issue. I’m using Logseq heavily on Android, Windows and - less - ChromeOS, and very invested in it - I’m also a supporter on Open Collective so I can use the synchronisation. I understand that work is very focussed on LogseqDB, and I understand that people don’t want to commit to things they may not be able to deliver in on time, but can anyone tell me if there is a current roadmap, and if getting Logseq/LogseqDB into the Google Play store is on that roadmap? Because I’d hate to find that I’ve been investing all my work into a dead end that wasn’t even a developer priority.

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