Regarding this post.
Big relevant update: this only happens to graphs that are stored on Dropbox. Still a bummer, though. I need my graphs synced. Obsidian somehow is immune to this.
My admittedly uneducated guess is:
macOS Dropbox saves file names with diacritics in NFD Unicode format. Keyboard input is NFC. Without normalization on Logseq’s end, this discrepancy is bound to cause trouble.
Steps to reproduce.
- Type in a new wikilink somewhere. Make sure the tile contains an accented character (such as á, ê, í, õ, ü )
- (the keyboard input is taken as NFC)
- Open the page and write on it.
- the title is NFC
- the linked reference is shown
- The note is saved to disk.
- The file name is converted to NFD.
- This happens at the OS level.
- There are now two notes with apparently identical titles. They both show up on All Pages
- Let’s call one of them A :
- It has the text that was written on step 2.
- Its title is in NFD format
- Doesn’t show linked reference
- And the other B :
- It’s empty
- Its title is in NFC format
- shows the linked reference
- Let’s call one of them A :
- Open B and type anything on it
- the Check Diff dialog pops up
- Select the version on disk
- B now has the same content as A
- Add a block to B
- page A is also updated with that block
- page A still doesn’t show the linked reference.
- Add a block to A
- page B doesn’t get updated.
- Go to 5.
- It’s the same from then on.