Beginner here; I read the other questions about contents. I still don’t understand its purpose…what is it for? How do you typically use it? Is it just another page like any other in the graph, into which arbitrary content can be placed? I think some mention in the docs would be good, I don’t recall seeing such mention. Thank you,
I am a relative beginner as well – been using Logseq for about a month now.
Contents started making sense to me when I started thinking of it as a global pinboard. (I got that idea from this thread.) Yes, it’s “just another page” but it has the special property of always being at hand in the right sidebar. Put whatever makes sense to you there for easy access – that seems to be its only purpose. (And if that’s correct, it seems misnamed to me.)
Thank you, that explains it perfectly! I was thinking it was unique to each page, initially, since you “see it” for the first time when you open a page in the right side bar, and there is also the graph view there that’s unique to the page, which, by association, makes Contents seem like it should be unique to the page. Further, I thought it was supposed to be auto-populating based on the supposed page’s content, but I now see I was on a flight of fancy.
I do think pinboard sounds better imho, but it sounds like that’s already been discussed. Thanks again, this tool is amazing!