“Pinboard” is the best option that was suggested. (“Shelf” which is a close second is not correct because “shelving” means to put aside for later. See how JetBrains correctly uses the term Shelve and unshelve changes | IntelliJ IDEA)
Edit: to be clear, the main problem is the keyboard shortcut Toggle Contents in sidebar which specifically looks for the contents.md page and creates it if it doesn’t exist. contents.md may also have other special status in other places (e.g., the :default-home setting which seems to treat it specially)
Contents suggest they’re the inner parts of something. So I was thinking it meant that I was looking at the inner parts of a block or page or something. Very misleading
It was addressed and correctly archived. That request refers to the previous Logseq UI with no Favourites in the left sidebar and with Contents.md displayed in the right sidebar but labeled “Favourites” and this created confusion and the request to rename Contents.md to Favourites.md.
Logseq devs addressed this by introducing Favourites as a list of pages in the left side bar and rename the label in the right sidebar “Contents”.
I don’t think it works the way you think it does. Did you try it?
:default-home {:page "Test", :sidebar "pinboard"} doesn’t work for me, but :default-home {:page "Test", :sidebar "Contents"} does even though I have both pages.
Either way, I don’t think this is relevant. This setting specifies what you want open at startup time. It says nothing about the keyboard shortcut Toggle Contents in sidebar which specifically looks for the contents.md page and creates it if it doesn’t exist. This is the meaning of this thread but I will edit the OP for clarity.
Until this keyboard shortcut is changed (both in name and in the automatic creation of a contents.md) and other places in the code where contents.md is treated specially (e.g., the :default-home setting above), this issue is not addressed and IMO the original post was incorrectly archived.
Found this thread after following the exact same train of thought as @huy. Contents is in the sidebar, together with the graph, and named as if it applies to any page… but it’s actually a normal page that I have to edit? And actually it’s also not a normal page anyway because its name is special and used in the keyboard shortcuts?
I don’t specially like “Pinboard”, but at least that’d be clearly a different thing to the “contents” pane present in the sidebar of many IDEs / text editors / PDF readers!
Well, I expected it to fill itself, possibly as my main note get its header structure - which is how the contents/outline pane works in IDEs like Eclipse / VSCode / IntelliJ, text editors like Google Docs / Word /LibreOffice / Pages / BBEdit, probably every PDF reader in existence, etc.
I just assumed it wasn’t working in Logseq because of some missing configuration or yet another bug / missing feature.
Other applications need it because they are not outliners. In Logseq you can just collapse all the blocks in the current page with a shortcut and see a overview of its structure. It’s up to you to eventually use headers, but those are an aesthetic thing in Logseq. This way when you export to Markdown you cam get rid of the outliner structure and keep the headers, that other applications will consider as the structure. In a certain sense Logseq can be used as a framework to produce Markdown files, in fact you can export not only the whole page, but also starting from whatever block you want. In Logseq a page is more fluid, it can contain more “documents” structured with headers. You have to think the outliner UI as a mix of folder structure and document structure. So it doesn’t make sense to extract the “Contents” of a page using the headers, but if you really need it, there is a plugin.
Instead the actual Contents.md refers to the whole graph, not the current page.
Yep, I understand now - but I had to find this thread to understand. Which is why I also think that naming that non-auto-filled page “Contents”, and putting it together with the auto-filled graph, makes little sense.
The app could make it clearer for sure, but to use Logseq at the moment you are supposed to check the documentation at https://docs.logseq.com that features the Contents.md as its home page.