After inserting a Zotero citation through /Zotero command, the citation (hence the name of the corresponding Page) reads like @possibly_very_long_title_of_the_paper. It would be nice to be able to change this default citation format. Say, [author, year] or something like that.
I do have Better Bibtex fo Zotero installed and configured. Citation keys are now generated for all stored publications in Zotero. I also did set the extensions.zotero.translators.better-bibtex.autoPinDelay to 1 in Zotero settings.
I also manually “Pin(ned) the Bibtex key” for a selected publication. And no change is visible after inserting the selected citation in Logseq.
Has anyone succeeded in configuring the “citation style”?
I await the holy grail of styled citation document exports from Logseq - that I might click export, choose Chicago style, and have the document come out with all bibtex keys translated into correct formats with a bibliography at the end.
Great to know that it works for you - so this means that citations keys are resolved to read [author, year] in your logseq pages and graph? Cold you add a quick walk through how you achieved this, maybe even with a screenshot or two? In addition it would be great to know which release versions of the involved tools you are using. This would be extremely helpful for those of us who don’t get it to work (yet!)…but even a few lines of info would help, thanks in advance!
For anyone else following, the solution is (mysteriously) as noted here:
In zotero if you have the BetterBibTex extension, right click the citation, select BetterBibTex, then Pin BibTex key. Like the OP, I don’t know why this works, but it works now. Yay! (?)
Indeed, this is what I did (BetterBibtex pinning). Without any additional (re)formatting, using just the default setting of BetterBibtex, what I get in my Logseq is then something like
Introduced in [[@nocedalNumericalOptimization2006]], section 12.5, page 330.
Sorry guys I did not reply earlier. With the default setting here at this discussion forum I did not receive notifications that my contribution has been responded to.
Also want to support custom page naming for Zotero imports.
Mine currently just results in the title of the import, but I’d want the author and year, too.
A reminder that you can create an alias for your new zotero citation pages and then link to that in your text. You could make your alias “Rogers et al 1999” for example.
The useful thing about citation keys in the text is that it can later allow for an export via pandoc to a formatted Word document with or without live links to the citations, or a formatted PDF document. It is not so simple, and I have lost a fair bit of time trying to set it up, but the possibility is there to go from Logseq to a manuscript with citations and bibliography.
In fact, you can use something like this [(Steiner et al. 2013)]([[@Single Ion Coupled to an Optical Fiber Cavity]])
The rendered text is looks like :
I recently found that a plugin called citation manager could make this process to be automatic.