Default the command-k menu to go to page vs create new page

this action would mirror the action that happens when you are typing a word [[word… - which by default when you hit enter simply LINKS to an existing page, which is much more common, then the second option is to go to that page.

this is inverted when using the search command, where creating a new page with what you’ve typed is on top when you hit enter, and go to the page is second. this creates a bunch of friction when using search - it’s WAY more common to want to navigate to a page, therefor just type a few letters, hit enter, and go, like you do everywhere else, e.g. spotlight on a mac.

this is my biggest single issue with logseq, and seems like a no brainer.

to summarize - command k search box should default when you’re typing to NAVIGATE, NTO to create a new page, like it does when you type a page inline using [[.

see this example - obviously much more likely to want to go to the first search result vs create a new page for a half word!

This recent feature request is related Ctrl+o open page

thanks - related but i think different functions - would rather not have a new shortcut

I was thinking the same thing the other day. I don’t know how many times I’ve done command+K, type something, hit enter and end up with a new page instead of grabbing the first search result.


yup - it’s an easy fix and pretty obvious IMO, hopefully we can get some support for it :slight_smile:

There’s a better way. This is the bottom of Obsidian’s Quick Switcher (analog to Logseq’s ⌘k):

So the change would be that Logseq ⌘k has no “New page:” or “New whiteboard:” at the top of the search (these are infuriatingly in the way) and always opens a file unless you use a mod on your enter. So ⇧+enter would create a page and perhaps ⇧⌃+enter a new whiteboard with your search term.

These shortcuts should be customisable to fit everyone’s muscle memory requirements.

  1. I live the switcher option shown from Obsidian.

  2. Having the create option second to the search results would turn up in several cursor-down actions when you have lots of pages and narrow down your search. Where would you put the „create“ option in the dialog?

Ah yea, that’s a great idea. This would also neatly solve the issue of “create whiteboard” as a 2nd option in that menu, which is likely too rarely used to take up the space there.