PDF annotation on mobile devices

This can be very useful on large mobile screens

This is a must for tablet users in both ios and android. Especially for the iPad + Pencil workflow crowd.


I’m currently making all hand written notes on my iPad with the Apple Pencil in Notability.

I would absolutely love pdf annotation on Logseq because currently Logseq isn’t useful for my pdf needs.


This is exactly what I need. PDF annotations on desktop is not enough. I need it for the Logseq to be fullu functional for me. Or at least to be able to LOOK at the pdf on iPad/iPhone.


indeed. I am expecting that, and I would like pay for the feature.


PDF annotation is absolutely one of the most useful feature. Please make it available at least on Pad & web version.


Even being able to open or view PDF files on mobile would be useful.


This feature is a game-changer for me. I had Obsidian before and I wasn’t in compliance with their take on planned features. I am a visual thinker, I don’t care too much about organization and rely mostly on tags and file properties to achieve this. For that reason, after searching and testing a lot of apps (AND I MEAN A LOT; notion, muse, coda, milanote, clickup, marginnote, liquidtext, kosmik), I decided for logseq because:

  • whiteboard with drawing support (very important)
  • ipad app
  • link embedding (most app can’t use iframes)
  • local folder-based
  • readwise plugin
  • zotero integration
  • flashcards
  • it’s beautiful
  • and lastly, but more important here: PDF highlight extraction (and backlinking to source on pdf - this is where the app got me).
    However, after I paid for supporting and gained access to the whiteboard I realized mobile doesn’t support pdf highlighting.
    This as well as mobile plugins are way important to me (as you might guess, I use ipad a lot), so I give +1000 for this and I hope you consider this testimony from someone who is tired of looking for an adequate app to study and I hope it remains this one.
    While this is not possible, tough, and ipad whiteboard is kinda buggy, I’ll keep with kosmik and muse, that are designed for ipad and have this feature. Hope it gets implemented soon!

Any movement on this?

Would immediately enable me to jump ship from Liquid Text.

Any comments on this being on the roadmap?

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Logseq does an extremely excellent job on pdf annotation on desktop.
Please priorities this feature for mobile and tablets as-well.


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is there anything resembling an ETA on this? super excited for this feature. it make me want to give you guys money on a monthly basis…

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If the devs can’t afford the resources to develop PDF reading and annotation on the mobile app…

The 20/80 rule that provides high value is at least:

  1. Allow PDF image highlights to be visible on the mobile app. Currently, I’m unable to see this on my android app.
  2. Differentiate between PDF text highlights and actual written notes.
    It’s possible to write notes along with PDF highlights, but on the android app, I can’t differentiate the two.

(Android 0.9.15)


Can Devs answer to this issue? I really like Logseq but it seems that the plugin approach of obsidian is better to solve the request of the users. Probably, I aspect Logseq to be a great app for the average note taking person but probably it is only focused for some hard core group of persons.

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I absolutely fell in love with Logseq’s approach to note-taking, but as a hard-core iPad user, PDF reading and annotation on the mobile apps is a must. The way it works on PC is fantastic so a similar version for mobile would be amazing.


I was so excited about Logseq when I discovered the emebedded functionality. But it was a bummer when I saw that in the app it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t even let me see the PDF, but the basic behavior is to share it, so I have to go other ways to open it.

Please add at least a basic reader built-in!


They already save an image (screenshot) of the annotation, I don’t know why it doesn’t show on Android.
I hope they’ll develop it after all the Sync beta thing.

I‘m waiting for that core feature. Mobile/pad first users need this

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At least read-only!

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+1 on this feature. I am also fine with just the read-only mode in PDF.