Question about block metadata; visible / user properties, hidden / system properties. How to view all?

I am looking to develop a plugin that inspects metadata of blocks which are flashcards.

The block object had a different structure than I expected and I wanted to better understand block properties and how to manage them correctly

Example card block

    "properties": {
        "cardLastInterval": "11.2",
        "cardRepeats": 3,
        "cardEaseFactor": "2.8",
        "cardNextSchedule": "2024-02-09T00:34:37.551Z",
        "cardLastReviewed": "2024-01-28T20:34:37.551Z",
        "cardLastScore": 5
    "parent": {
        "id": 30024
    "id": 30023,
    "pathRefs": [
            "id": 2
            "id": 30000
            "id": 30001
    "propertiesTextValues": {
        "cardLastInterval": "11.2",
        "cardRepeats": "3",
        "cardEaseFactor": "2.8",
        "cardNextSchedule": "2024-02-09T00:34:37.551Z",
        "cardLastReviewed": "2024-01-28T20:34:37.551Z",
        "cardLastScore": "5"
    "uuid": "65da8fcd-78d8-4d0b-873d-ddd4e97ad721",
    "content": "What is the chain rule? #card #math\ncard-last-interval:: 11.2\ncard-repeats:: 3\ncard-ease-factor:: 2.8\ncard-next-schedule:: 2024-02-09T00:34:37.551Z\ncard-last-reviewed:: 2024-01-28T20:34:37.551Z\ncard-last-score:: 5",
    "page": {
        "journalDay": 20230527,
        "name": "may 27th, 2023",
        "originalName": "May 27th, 2023",
        "id": 30000
    "propertiesOrder": [
    "left": {
        "id": 30035
    "format": "markdown",
    "refs": [
            "id": 2
            "id": 30001


User added metadata is not included in properties list

I expected card and math to ALSO be included in the list of properties
It seems this metadata is ONLY accessible from parsing the content property which seems like a very brittle programming given the interchangable # and [[ ]].

Properties added by logseq when a block is recognized as card are not visible in the editor

Given I see properties programmatically, and I know I can manually add properties to a block with the key:: value syntax I expected to see content list this in the editor such as:

card-ease-factor:: 2.8
card-next-schedule:: 2024-02-09T00:34:37.551Z
card-last-interval:: 11.2
card-last-reviewed:: 2024-01-28T20:34:37.551Z
card-last-score:: 5
card-repeats:: 3,


  1. Is there an official method to parse the block content to extract user metadata?
    In the example block above it would return “card” and “math”, and possibly the other properties too.
    I am currently using RegEx but it seems like there must be a better way the logseq.Editor api exists.

  2. Is there a way to view ALL properties in Editor regardless of them being added by system / hidden?

I have set :block-hidden-properties #{} in both global config.edn and local config.edn expecting this to mean do NOT hide any properties thus revealing ALL the card properties; however, the internal card properties are still not visible.

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