Just started trying out Logseq. Looks very powerful. The only big obstacle for me is the lack of WYSIWYG editing. I understand Markdown has many benefits, but some of us prefer to view and edit formatted text. Surprisingly, I haven’t found a feature request for this here (the only related one I found is this one, but it’s not about editing).
I’m new here, so please let me know if I’m missing something! Maybe there is some huge discussion about this under a different term other than “WYSIWG”?
I am not soo sure I follow what you are after. Are you after something like MS Word where you can bold a word and you would not have the **Text** appear?
I am not an expert in markdown but I am not sure the above is possible, The point of having a .md file is that it is yours and you can open it with a simple program like Notepad or transfer your notes to another program.
i think typora markdown editor has the best implementation for this. you use markdown but you see the symbols only when your cursor on it. there is also mark text which is similar to typora and open source.
This is possible. In fact, the underlying editing framework LogSeq uses provides the tooling for this. The idea of that editor is that we edit “the data”, while what you see in the browser is “only a visualization” (or in technical terms “materialized view”) of that data. That means that that editor also makes it easy to have multiple materialized views: one would be the HTML representation in the browser (which can omit the md tags) and one would be the MD representation to be save as files. In fact, you can even let the user choose whether they want to let the interface materialize in one or the other.
LogSeq uses CodeMirror as underlying tech. CodeMirror is based on ProseMirror. The above is easy in ProseMirror, so I assume also possible in CodeMirror or a custom fork of it.
This might also allow for very custom features, like Anki card similar to what happens in RemNote. The data would contain all of the information for syncing with a local Anki install, while the HTML does not need to show that data in ugly tagging and code such as ^27487498270299840 (which is what you would see in Obsidian).
Typora is great but it is a jarring experience with all the content hopping around when cursor enters a link or image, the markup suddenly appears, and the current mouse-cursor position is now invalid. This is much higher “cognitive load” to me.
Bear’s Panda editor is a much better target to aim for. For instance, put the URI markup in GUI elements rather than the face-assaulting Typora expansion. Hopefully, the markup can seamlessly accessible to the preview through well design UX.
2 years have past since I last tried out Logseq, and was put off by the lack of wysiwyg. The tool is amazing, however it’s jarring to have the blocks change appearance so much when editing… Especially when it’s a block reference/embed, which I use a lot, or an image.
I was surprised to see Whiteboard being implemented before that.
I see this is still on the Roadmap, however long term. Any chance we can get a ballpark estimate? I understand if not, of course!
Having this feature would probably trigger a huge influx of users from the other popular apps.
I agree completely about the unfortunate lack of wysiwyg. I am coming to logseq from RemNote, where formatting code was under the hood where, for my sanity, I would like it to stay. I hope I can learn to ignore all the distracting markdown code until this feature request is implemented.