This post is a wiki, so feel free to add more resources.
Written materials
- Official documentation on simple queries
- @thatgothlibrarian’s Zettelkasten workflow from start to finish (includes some nifty code to add queries to your Journals page).
This post is a wiki, so feel free to add more resources.
I think the documentation will be really useful once it has been developed. I used to be a secondary school computing teacher and now I train adults in how to use education MIS software including our reporting tools, which is analogous to simple and advanced queries.
There are examples on the current documentation and that is useful, but it is not sequenced in a step by step way and it would be useful to have scenarios and practical explained examples so people can see why they would use particular logseq queries.
My approach to teaching teenagers Python back in the day was like this.
Broadly, this way of learning fits in with Bloom’s taxonomy. I suppose the main difference is a learner working their way through a set of resources independently has to be their own teacher.
The challenge Logseq has in terms of educating its community reminds me of my own company’s process in curating all the information available in a way that is useful and meaningful to everyone who needs to learn a complex system. Our onboarding journey has certain similarities: